The WF President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer recently concluded a productive trip to Europe from 20th-26th September, where he participated in key community events and meetings. Highlights included attending the first-ever WF Reverts Conference, celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Paris North Jamaat, engaging with scholars at a Mubaligheen meeting, and meetings held with various departments of The World Federation. The President returned to London to attend the 2024 Triennial CoEJ Conference on 5th-6th October. The President also held various strategic meetings to discuss community initiatives and strengthen The WF’s partnerships across the region during these weeks.

The first-ever Reverts Conference, hosted by The World Federation at The WF House, Harefield, brought together prominent scholars and community members to address key challenges faced by reverts to Islam. During the event, The WF President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer, delivered an important introductory address, emphasizing the significance of spiritual growth, community integration, and long-term support for reverts. His speech encouraged attendees to foster a sense of belonging within the broader Shi’a Muslim community and highlighted the organization’s dedication to addressing the needs of reverts.

On the eve of the Wilada of Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Imam Ja’afar al-Sadiq (a) on Saturday, 21st September, The WF President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer, addressed the Hujjat Stanmore Jamaat, where three major education initiatives were announced. This included:
1. MOU with Jaffaria Online Academy and The World Federation.
2. Launch of the ZCSS Portal and App.
3. The Masters Edge Sponsorship Program.

The President attended the 30th Anniversary of Mehfile Bibi Zaynab (a) in North Paris on Sunday 22nd September. He was accompanied by the Head of External Tableegh, Shaykh Nadir Jaffer. The event was well attended by the community members of Paris, as well as dignitaries from CoEJ. The President presented both the Paris Jamaats with the Thessos tiles from Kadhimiyya.

A Mubaligheen consultative forum was held at The WF House, Hujjat Harefield on Tuesday 24th September. The objective of the consultative forum was to hear first-hand from some of the community serving scholars in the UK on the challenges facing us, and the most effective ways of supporting each other in addressing these challenges. It was an opportune time for the leads of various departments of Islamic Education to share their work and seek feedback from the Mubaligheen and explore areas of working together in supporting the spiritual needs of our communities.

An away day was planned with the entire Islamic Education Team at The WF House on Wednesday, 25th September, attended by the President and Secretary Geneal, together with the entire team of Islamic Education, led by Shaykh Murtadha Alidina, Head of ICAIR – Shaykh Alexander Khalili, Islamic Education Manager – Shaykh Afzal Merali, Head of Hawza Online – Shaykh Mohammed Ali Ismail, Head of External Tableegh – Shaykh Nadir Jaffer, Consultant on Adult Education – Shaykh Safdar Razi and the Lead of Intellectual Empowerment – Shaykh Mehdi Abdullah. The meeting was to review the progress on the Islamic Education strategy and address the future challenges incorporating the feedback following the Mubaligheen consultation meeting.

The President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer, Vice President – Alhaj Habib Meghjee, Secretary General – Alhaj Ali Jawad Hansraj, Assistant Secretary General – Dr Ali Abbas Hasham, Treasurer – Alhaj Sajjad Rajan and Assistant Treasurer – Alhaj Mohsin Musa, attended the 2024 CoEJ Triannual Conference held at Hujjat Harefield.
The Office Bearers actively participated throughout the conference and demonstrated their full support to CoEJ.
The President addressed the conference highlighting the following:
• Appreciated the work of Alhaj Salim Rehmatullah and his team and for providing The World Federation with full support during the Term 2021-2024

The WF presenting CoEJ with an appreciation award to the OBs and Trustees for their services to the community during the term 2021-2024
• Congratulated the incoming President Alhaj Arifali Hirji, wishing him all the success and full support from The WF to Alhaj Arifali and his team.
• Focused on ensuring harmonious work between The WF and the regions in a seamless way preserving two key areas – Communal Unity and Alignment of views and approach to challenges during difficult times facing the Ummah.

CoEJ honours The WF President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer with the Lighthouse Award for Exemplary Leadership