The World Federation Khoja Heritage Project team is delighted to invite every single member of the community to celebrate our heritage by virtue of this iconic event; the first of an annual marking on the WF calendar.

The dates for KHD 2022 will Inshallah be Saturday 22nd October and Sunday 23rd October. Jamaats will be selecting either or both days, so look out for more details from your local Jamaat closer to the time.
We envisage a packed series of exciting events across all our Jamaats which will include Jamaat history with pictures, a Heritage exhibition, a short film specially produced for KHD, elders’ recollections, a humorous skit as well as sampling of Khoja Cuisine, and much more! The KHD will culminate with a live global Zoom event which will include a speaking panel of WF and Regional leaders on Sunday 23rd October. The time for this event will be suitably fixed in consideration of different international time zones.
For now, mark the dates in your diary, sit back and watch this space!!

The Khoja Heritage Project (KHP), earlier this year, excitedly launched a series of 10 mini-clips entitled ‘Once Upon A Time’ featuring anecdotes from notable personalities who shaped our history. It is hoped that through this series, we can better appreciate our rich heritage, and more importantly, gain transferrable real life lessons.
This is the last but very special episode of the ‘Once Upon A Time’ series. The series is culminating with the story of Kulsum Gulamhusein Adat, fondly remembered by many as ‘Mrs Khimji.’ Her contribution to the women of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri community, as well as the men, remains alive and thriving – not least in the form of the famous Mehfil Abbas of Dar-es-Salaam. Watch on to find out more about this empowered and enigmatic female that changed the perception of faith within our community.
Final words from Dr Hasnain Walji, Head of Khoja Heritage Project:
As we come to the end of this series, we hope you have enjoyed watching these brief glimpses into Khoja history. On behalf of the WF Khoja Heritage Project team, I would like to thank all our viewers and especially those of you who reached out to compliment and offer their suggestions. Inshallah we hope to continue with more initiatives to help preserve and promote our heritage.