In The Name of Allah (SWT), The Most Compassionate, The Merciful

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكَ مِنْ مُجَاوِر رَقَّتْ فِيهِ الْقُلُوبُ، وَقَلَّتْ فِيهِ الذُّنُوبُ

Peace be upon you, O [month] in whose proximity hearts became soft, and sins became few.[1]

As the caravan of existence continues its journey towards our Lord, once again we bid farewell to the month of endless Divine Mercy and Compassion; the month of forgiveness, family relations, kindness and charity for the needy, and ultimately the month of Meeting (liqaa) Allah (SWT), as the Hadith Qudsi states:

Fasting is for Me [i.e. the worshipper fasts and abstains without disclosing it to others] and it is I who will reward it [directly, with all honour and magnanimity].”

Or, according to the other reading of this narration – “… and I am its reward [i.e. the worshipper will be awarded with the experience of My Proximity and Presence].”  [2]

In this material life, Allah, The Almighty showers us with His bounties and nurtures us to reach perfection. Sometimes, this manifests in the form of trials and tests, as we witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic, in which many of our community members fell ill, and some even lost the battle against it. We pray to Allah SWT to grant a speedy and full recovery to our sick, have Mercy on our deceased and grant patience to the bereaved.

One of the main foundations of our faith is welfare and social solidarity, in the form of sadaqa, kaffara, fidya and zakat al-fitra. This year, the Islamic Education Department received queries from mumineen regarding these four financial dues, which it would like to share with the general community:

Question 1

Is “one” zakat al-fitra amount to be allocated to one beneficiary? Or can it be given to more than one beneficiary?  If the UK fitra value is £5.50 and the value in the beneficiary’s country is £2.50, do we give £5.50 to one beneficiary or can we give it to two separate beneficiaries?

Answer: Each (mukallaf) duty-bound person must pay the equivalent of 3kg of staple food or its value based on the country/city in which he/she is paying. So, in the UK, for e.g., it is £5.50 for this year. Although, if the duty-bound makes someone as his agent to pay zakat al-fitra on his behalf, say in Dar-es-Salaam, then the rate to be paid would be the local DSM rate. Therefore, the criteria for paying is the prevalent value in the place of payment of the fitra. This is how much is wajib on each person to pay.

As for the receiving person, it is permissible for a beneficiary to be given lesser than the value of 3kg in zakat al-fitra, though the recommended precaution is to pay the minimum full value of 3kg unless the numbers of deserving recipients exceed the available funds. This applies whether the needy person is in the same country as the duty-bound person who has paid the zakat al-fitra or not.

So, if the needy is in the UK, for example, it is possible to pay £3 to the deserving beneficiary even though it is less than the fitra rate of £5.50.

On the other hand, if the money is transferred abroad and each 3kg of staple food is £2.50 there, it is possible to give the remaining £3 of the original fitra to another needy, without having to return it to the original payer of the zakat al-fitra.

In another scenario, if there is 15 kg worth of zakat al-fitra, and the number of needy beneficiaries is 30, it is permissible to give 0.5kg to each.

Question 2

What is the minimum wajib to be paid in kaffara?

Answer: In kaffara, the minimum wajib is either:

  • to give 750 grams of food (either cooked or raw) to each beneficiary (whether or not they become satiated and full with it or not). Although, it is mustahab to give 1.5 kg per needy beneficiary (i.e. two portions).
  • or to prepare a full meal of cooked food for the 60 beneficiaries to consume until they are full, regardless of whether each person eats less than 750 grams of food or more to become full, with the criteria here being the beneficiaries becoming full. Although, it is better for them to be fed twice, in the daytime and the evening.

Furthermore, one cannot feed thirty people twice; so, there must be 60 individuals. However, a head of household can receive more than one meal based on the number of people in his household, including minors. So, if they are a family of 5 people, he can receive five portions.

Question 3

When someone gives his zakat al-fitra to Jamaat at the local rate, does the Jamaat have to get consent or inform the person that their fitra will be sent overseas? 

Answer: The Jamaat gets implicit wikalat (agency) to disburse as deemed fit per shari’a requirements, so no further consent, or giving information to the payer of fitra is required, that his fitra will be for local or overseas needy. If the duty-bound person paying zakat al-fitra wishes to specify where they would like their fitra to be spent on their behalf, then they must explicitly communicate it to the Jamaat, whereby the latter will have the discretion to accept the extra responsibility or not.

Question 4

If the fitra collected is intended to be sent abroad where the rate is different, does the payer of zakat al-fitra have to be notified to pay the different rate abroad? 

Answer: By implication, considering that The World Federation of KSIMC is a global charitable body, the donor implicitly knows that the recipients can be local or overseas; so, either he can pay to the local Jamaat or Regional Federation at the local rate or allow The WF to disburse as appropriate by Shari’a requirements.

Question 5

Is fidya the giving of 750 grams of staple food to the deserving or can we provide the beneficiaries cooked meals till they are full instead?

Answer: Fidya is to give 750 grams of staple food (cooked or raw) to one beneficiary per day of fast missed for one of six reasons. A duty-bound person cannot instead offer a cooked meal for the beneficiary to consume until they are full. Rather 750 grams of staple food must be offered to them. Furthermore, the value of the 750 grams of staple food cannot be given either, and one must offer the actual food instead.

Question 6

Is delaying delivery of zakat al-fitra, kaffara and fidya in order? Are there deadlines in this matter? 

Answer: Zakat-Fitra should be delivered as feasible, and as soon as possible, even if this may be after the day of Eid, because what is wajib is for the duty-bound person to either physically allocate it aside (either in cash or staple food and say this is my fitra, qurbatan ilallah, which I will give to the first deserving needy I find) or to pay it in the fitra boxes in the centres on the day of Eid al-Fitr. However, as for the distribution (by organizations), it can be delayed until the deserving needy can be found, or the fitra can be delivered to them, considering the logistical factors. As for kaffara and fidya, they are not as strictly time-bound; although, they shouldn’t be unreasonably delayed.

Question 7

We sometimes have needy families whose members are mixed between Shia and non-Shia (Muslim and non-Muslim); so can we provide them from zakat al-fitra?

Answer: Zakat al-fitra, kaffara and fidya can only be given to Shia recipients as per (ihtiyat wajib) obligatory precaution. In addition, the Shia recipient should not be an open sinner, alcohol consumer, one who shuns daily salat or someone who may spend it for sinful purposes. However, mustahab sadaqa and charity can be given to non-Shia recipients, if they do not have enmity towards Islam and the school of Ahlul Bayt (a).

For full rulings on zakat al-fitra, kaffara and fidya, please visit:

For further details on the method of paying zakat al-fitra electronically through The World Federation, please visit:


Guidelines for Zakaat al-Fitrah 2021

Guidelines for Zakaat al-Fitrah 2021 – update


To pay your dues through The World Federation, please visit:

We pray for Allah SWT to bless all mumineen at the end of the holy month of Ramadan with His Compassion, to shower all followers of 12th Imam (aj) with steadfastness and indeed hasten his reappearance.

From The World Federation of KSIMC, we wish you all a happy Eid Mubarak.

Was salamun alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

The World Federation of KSIMC,

29th April 2022 / 27th Ramadan 1443 AH.

[1] (Sahifa Sajjaadiya – Dua 45 of bidding farewell to the month of Ramadhan)

[2] Al-Tusi: “Al-Tahdhib”, v.4, pg. 152.