In honour of Bibi Sakina (as), The World Federation seeks to spread the love and awareness of Islam to all Muslim children around the world. The same way we aware of the historical events which took place in Karbala many years ago, we want to share valuable Islamic lessons with all children, no matter where they come from. It’s our primary duty to ensure we spread the teaching of Islam and the Ahlulbayt to everyone.
Our Tarbiyah children’s storybooks has been a success so far, which has been used in madaris all around the world. We have received such incredible feedback from children and parents alike that we decided to publish the storybooks for anyone to purchase. However, we wanted to go a step further and make the storybooks readily available, convenient and affordable to anyone who wants immediate access to the Tarbiyah storybooks. We are very pleased to announce the storybooks are now available digitally via our latest app – Tarbiyah Storytime (The app is available to download for free on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store ).
These storybooks are great for any age and creates a unique experience for both parent and child! Each book focuses on a specific Islamic concept which dives into various lessons we can learn from, understand and interact with.
Introduction of Tarbiyah Storytime App by
Secretary General Al Haj Arifali Hirji
The storybooks we currently have available for you to download are from the Allah Almighty section.
This module is dedicated to Allah and to man’s relationship with his Creator. It covers Tawhid (monotheism) in great depth, discussing the existence of Allah, His unity and His various attributes. It also covers the creation of the universe and His Signs in it as well the creation of the angels, the jinn, and man. It explores the purpose of creation and the need for religious guides and looks at the history of the first prophet, Nabi Adam and his children. As the basis of our relationship and communication with Allah, key concepts of tawbah and istighfar, du’a and munajat are introduced and the daily prayer as the most sublime form of submission (taslim) to Allah is covered in detail.
Want to get a taster of the storybooks first? We’ve added two free storybooks with activities for you to try out with your child(ren).

In Jabir’s footsteps
Abbas and Ahmad visit Karbala every year on Arba‘in. Every time their father tells them stories about a special companion of the Ahlulbayt (as). Would you like to know who they learn about this year? Download this book to find out!
Manarah the lighthouse
Bongo loved boats. One day, his friends decided to surprise him with a boat ride. Little did they know that they were all in for the surprise of their lives! Learn about nubuwwah and the mercy of Allah (swt) through the story of Manarah the Lighthouse.
You can also sponsor these storybooks for the thawab-e-jariyah . We can discuss this further when you email us on this address: [email protected]