Following our press release on 31st Jan 2024 in which we reported a judge of the English High Court dismissed Dr Mohamed Jaffer’s long-running legal claims against The World Federation of KSIMC (“TWF”) — for details –, Dr Mohamed Jaffer appealed against the ruling both at the High Court and again at the Court of Appeal.

On Friday 7th June 2024, the Court of Appeal refused Dr Jaffer permission to appeal against the dismissal of his claim by the High Court earlier this year. The High Court had itself previously also refused him permission to appeal. There are no further possible routes of appeal, and the proceedings are now at an end, save for determination of the amount of legal costs to be paid by Dr Jaffer. The legal claim against Office Bearers of the World Federation has therefore concluded.

Alhamdulillah, the Office Bearers are pleased that this matter has concluded and can move on with the workings of The World Federation.

“All praise is due to Allah (SWT) that the legal claim against us that commenced in Jan 2021 has finally concluded with resounding success for The World Federation. I am very grateful to the entire team at The WF and all those who have stood firm and supported us to overcome this challenge that we faced for over three years.

I now humbly request the community that we put all this behind us and work as ONE community, united in faith in the fast changing world. We have a lot to deliver to meet the aspirations of our vibrant community and InshaAllah we can ALL work together in serving our community and beyond for the pleasure of Allah (SWT)”

Safder Jaffer

The World Federation of KSIMC