Meet Zulekha Hirji

Meet Zulekha Hirji

The President of The World Federation, Alhaj Safder Bhai Jaffer, would like to congratulate Sister Zulekha Hirji on her new role as Head of Madrasah Centre of Excellence (MCE). “It gives me great pleasure to introduce our new head of MCE, Zulekha Hirji who will be succeeding our longest standing member of MCE Naushad Mehrali.  […]

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Annual Review from The World Federation’s Bosnian Desk  (April 2020 to March 2021)

Annual Review from The World Federation’s Bosnian Desk (April 2020 to March 2021)

The World Federation’s Bosnia Desk was set up in 1992 under the leadership of Marhum Mulla Asghar Ali MM Jaffer and Mulla Muhsin Jaffer, for the purpose of the propagation of Islamic Shia Ithna Asheri faith amongst the Bosnian community. The Desk was active within the Dar al-Tabligh office in the UK for thirteen years, [...]

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Activities in Nepal for the months of Rajab and Shab’aan 1442/2021

Activities in Nepal for the months of Rajab and Shab’aan 1442/2021

The World Federation’s Islamic Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal organised celebratory programs in the months of Rajab and Shab’aan 1442/2021 Please see the details of the activities conducted below: 13th Rajab: An interfaith celebratory event on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (a) on February 27th 2021. This was the first interfaith program [...]

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Annual Updates from the Islamic Education Center – Khulna, Bangladesh

Annual Updates from the Islamic Education Center – Khulna, Bangladesh

The World Federation’s External Tableegh department is delighted to present the annual activities report from the Islamic Education Center (Hawza-e-Ilmiyah) in Khulna, Bangladesh for the academic year 2020-2021 Despite the limitations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the center still managed to carry out regular activities throughout the year, delivering the teachings of the Ahlulbayt (as) [...]

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Live Webinar: Steps towards Career Success Masterclass

Live Webinar: Steps towards Career Success Masterclass

We understand it can be tough for undergraduates and recent graduates to navigate to their dream job in normal circumstances let alone during a pandemic. We want to be able to provide support and crucial guidance to our youth in our community and help make this process as smooth as possible for them. Therefore, The [...]

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